<%@LANGUAGE="VBSCRIPT" CODEPAGE=65001%> <% lang=request("lang") lang_change=request("lc") if lang_change="" and lang="" then if session("lang")<>"" then lang=session("lang") else lang="el" session("lang")=lang end if end if if lang_change="" and lang<>"" then session("lang")=lang end if if lang_change<>"" and lang<>"" then session("lang")=lang end if sub switch_lang( el_str,en_str) if lang="el" then response.write el_str else response.write en_str end if end sub menu_lang=lang '*_________________________________________________ '* Open Connection '*_________________________________________________ Dim conn set conn = server.createobject("ADODB.Connection") conn.Mode = 3 conn.open (ConnStr) 'conn.execute "SET names utf8;" sql="select * from tbl_first_page_settings" set rs_set=conn.execute(sql) news_items=rs_set("news_items") events_items=rs_set("events_items") announcements_items=rs_set("announcements_items") news_chars=rs_set("news_chars") events_chars=rs_set("events_chars") announcements_chars=rs_set("announcements_chars") nav_arrows=rs_set(lang&"_nav_arrows") rs_set.close %> <% call switch_lang( "Τμήμα Μηχανολόγων Μηχανικών","Department of Mechanical Engineering")%>
<% if lang="el" then %> <%end if 'lang="el"%>

<% call switch_lang( "Νέα","News")%>

<% sql="select id,"&lang&"_descr as descr, "&lang&"_title as title,"&lang&"_link1,"&lang&"_link2,photo1,photo2,photo3,ddate from tbl_tmhma_news where is_enabled=1 and (("&lang&"_title is not null and trim("&lang&"_title)<>'') or ("&lang&"_descr is not null and trim("&lang&"_descr)<>'')) order by ddate desc limit " & news_items set rs=conn.execute(sql) %>
    <%do while not rs.eof title=rs("title") descr=rs("descr") if not is_nothing(title) then txt=title else txt=descr end if %>
  • <%=rs("ddate")%> <% 'response.write ((not is_nothing(title) and is_nothing(descr)) or not is_nothing(descr)) if ((not is_nothing(title) and is_nothing(descr)) or (not is_nothing(descr) and is_nothing(title))) and is_nothing(rs(lang&"_link1")) and is_nothing(rs(lang&"_link2")) and is_nothing(rs("photo1")) and is_nothing(rs("photo2")) and is_nothing(rs("photo3")) and left(txt,news_chars)=txt then response.write txt else %> "> <% if left(txt,news_chars)=txt then response.write txt & " >>>" else response.write left(txt,instrrev(left(txt,news_chars)," ")-1)&"..." end if %> <% end if %>
  • <%rs.movenext loop rs.close set rs=nothing%>

<% call switch_lang( " ερισσότερα Νέα","More News")%> >>>

<% call switch_lang( "Εκδηλώσεις","Events")%>

<% sql="select "&lang&"_type,tbl_tmhma_ekdilwseis.id as idd,"&lang&"_title as title,"&lang&"_descr as descr,start_date,end_date,start_time,end_time,"&lang&"_speaker,"&lang&"_place,"&lang&"_link1,"&lang&"_link2,photo1,photo2,photo3 FROM" & _ " tbl_tmhma_ekdilwseis" & _ " Inner Join tbl_tmhma_ekdilwseis_type ON tbl_tmhma_ekdilwseis_type.id = tbl_tmhma_ekdilwseis.id_tbl_ekdilwseis_type" & _ " where is_enabled=1 and (("&lang&"_title is not null and trim("&lang&"_title)<>'') or ("&lang&"_descr is not null and trim("&lang&"_descr)<>'')) order by start_date desc limit " & events_items set rs=conn.execute(sql) %>
    <% do while not rs.eof title=rs("title") descr=rs("descr") if not is_nothing(title) then txt=title else txt=descr end if %>
  • <%=rs("start_date")%> (<%=rs(lang&"_type")%>) <% if ((not is_nothing(title) and is_nothing(descr)) or (not is_nothing(descr) and is_nothing(title))) and is_nothing(rs("end_date")) and is_nothing(rs("start_time")) and is_nothing(rs("end_time")) and is_nothing(rs(lang&"_speaker")) and is_nothing(rs(lang&"_place")) and is_nothing(rs(lang&"_link1")) and is_nothing(rs(lang&"_link2")) and is_nothing(rs("photo1")) and is_nothing(rs("photo2")) and is_nothing(rs("photo3")) and left(txt,events_chars)=txt then response.write txt else %> "> <% if left(txt,events_chars)=txt then response.write txt & " >>>" else response.write left(txt,instrrev(left(txt,events_chars)," ")-1)&"..." end if %> <% end if %>
  • <%rs.movenext loop rs.close set rs=nothing%>

<% call switch_lang( " ερισσότερες Εκδηλώσεις","More Events")%> >>>

<% call switch_lang( "Ανακοινώσεις","Announcements")%>

<% sql="select id,"&lang&"_descr as descr,"&lang&"_title as title,"&lang&"_link1,"&lang&"_link2,photo1,photo2,photo3,ddate from tbl_tmhma_anakoinwseis where is_enabled=1 and (("&lang&"_title is not null and trim("&lang&"_title)<>'') or ("&lang&"_descr is not null and trim("&lang&"_descr)<>'')) order by ddate desc limit " & announcements_items set rs=conn.execute(sql) %>

<% call switch_lang( " ερισσότερες Ανακοινώσεις","More Announcements")%> >>>

Αριθμός Επισκεπτών:  <%if session("HomePageHit")="" then %> <% session("HomePageHit")=iCount else response.write session("HomePageHit") end if%>

<% if lang="el" then %>
<% else %> <% end if%> a